Cat Blog

Holy Meow! Our cat blog lets you dig your claws into the latest news, information, tips, and products that are breaking in the world of cats. is always on the prowl for what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

We talk about topics that cat parents need to know about. Does your cat have hairballs? We have some tips to help your cat cutback on this nasty grooming concern. Or maybe your cat is trying to tell you something… well, we know how to decode all that secret kitty body language. Or perhaps you’re welcoming a new kitten or cat into your family – let us help you get your home ready for this new addition. When birthdays and holidays roll around, are you stuck on what to get the impossible-to-buy-for cat or cat lover in your life? We’ve thought of all of that and much more, giving you the answers you need to make your cat’s life purr-fect. Plus, we’ll keep you posted on all the cool cat news, events, contests, studies, videos, and funny updates that make the Internet so cat friendly.’s cat blog helps to inspire cat parents, offering our readers the best ideas and solutions for life with their cats. From feline-friendly home decor items, adorable pictures of kittens, and cat rescue organizations, to in-depth information about all the official recognized cat breeds to choose from and common feline health symptoms and treatments, we’ve got our paws on the pulse of what’s happening in the world of cats.

If you have a question, if there’s a product you’d like us to review or something you like to know more about, please let us know and we’ll cover it in our cat blog. The more crazy cat people, the better–there’s always room for one more feline lover in our cat community!

Why is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box?

Is your cat peeing outside the litter box and you don't know what to do about it? The key to fixing the problem is to understand why she's doing it.

How to Care for an Orphaned Kitten

When you find a kitten that's been abandoned, you instinctively want to care for it. Here's what you should do if you find a stray kitten.

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.

Cat Steals the Show By Jumping on Owner’s Head During Live TV Interv

A charming ginger cat became an internet celebrity when she climbed on her owner's shoulder during his interview- live on national television.

Siberian Crazy Cat Farm Boasts a Million Feline Residents

Not sure what to get your crazy cat neighbor for the holidays? How about a trip to "Catland," a farm in Siberia that about million cats call home!

Why Researchers Are Studying the Cat’s Meow

What's the meaning behind your cat's meow? Researchers are determined to find out with a new study being conducted at Lund University in Sweden.

7 Road-Trip Essentials That Make It Easier to Travel With Your Cat

Bringing the cats along for the ride? Traveling with your kitty can be a breeze - as long as you bring a few essentials.

Lime Crime’s Kitty Bundles Lipstick is Purr-fection!

Lime Crime's purrrrfect new product line, Kitty Bundles, might be made for humans, but proceeds from this lipstick go to support cats in need!

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.

How To Create A Cat-Friendly Home

Before you bring home a cat, especially a young and rambunctious one, you have to take steps to make your house a cat-friendly environment.

Best Probiotics for Cats

Probiotics for cats help maintain healthy gut flora and can support your pet's overall immune system, in addition to helping with a range of other issues.

Best Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Boxes

Want to make poop scooping business as hands-free as possible? Check out our list of top 10 self-cleaning litter boxes to find the best type for your cat.

NY Cat Convention Promises to Wow Kitty Pawrents

If you are a kitty parent or just love felines and want to flaunt it, there's no better place to be than the Catsbury Park Cat Convention!

Nanny Rats and Orphaned Cats Break Ages-Old Stereotypes

A New York cat rescue is breaking species stereotypes by 'employing' the most unlikely of nannies for their tiniest kittens.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

Box Kitty Wants Your Cat To Feel Like Royalty

When boring cat trees just don't entertain your cat, create a feline fortress worthy of a king or queen. There's nothing you can't make with Box Kitty!

Best Litter Deodorizers for Cats

We love our cats, but we hate the smell of their bathroom! Want to get rid of the stink? Try one of these best litter deodorizers for cats.�

How to Set Up the Perfect Environment for Foster Kittens

You've decided to open your home to kittens in need. Make sure they feel welcome by creating the perfect environment for them to thrive.

In NYC, Feral Felines Get A Second Chance at Life as "Working Cats"

Instead of giving up on feral cats that cant be socialized as family pets, New Yorkers are giving them jobs- saving hundreds of feline lives.

Cat Owners Who Feed Their Pets Vegan Diet Could Face Fines or Jail Tim

While there might be good intentions behind a vegan dietary switch, imposing a meat-free diet on a cat is an act of animal cruelty, the UK charity warns.

Cat Treadmill Works as a Feline Personal Trainer [Video]

It’s a new year and time for your fat cat to kiss that fluff goodbye. Meet the Little Cat–an $1800 ‘personal trainer’ for your cat th…

Kitten Fostering FAQs

If you love kittens (who doesn't), you may want to think about fostering. Got kitten fostering questions? We've got the answers!

Best Diabetic Cat Food

Diabetic cat food is formulated specially to suit the needs of felines with diabetes, which means it's high in protein and low in carbohydrate content.

What’s Wrong With Feeding Your Cat Kibble?

Is kibble enough for your kitty? To ensure that your cat is getting all the nutrition she needs, be sure to put the right ingredients in her dinner bowl.

Grammy-Winning Violinist Shows Cool Cats Love Classical Music [Video]

A Grammy-winning violinist's consideration of strays along an animated street has music fans all over the world seeing the street kitties in a new light.

Why You Should Make Your Cat Work for Her Food

Your cat has everything she needs, served right to her - what a life. But making your cat work for her food is actually a good thing!

Why You Should Consider Feeding Your Cat Homemade Food

Have you thought about giving your cat a homemade diet? We talk to a vet/cat food nutritionist and what he says will give you some food for thought!

Get Back to Nature With the Eco Cat Furniture Kickstarter

Who says style, environmental consciousness, and kitty love can't coexist? Fashionable and functional come together in the Eco Cat Furniture line.

Beyond Catnip: Alternatives Your Kitty Might Like

Catnip doesn't work on all felines. If you're looking for an alternative to the popular kitty herb, why not give these products a try?

Video of Blind Cat Hugging Phone While Music Plays Hits All the Right

A blind cat appreciating beautiful music in a way that most humans do not is about the sweetest thing you'll see and hear today, we guarantee.

5 Cat-ravagant Perks of an Outdoor Catio

You want your indoor cat to enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without the danger. The solution - an outdoor catio that protects your kitty!

This Cat Library Is A Novel Approach To The Mewey Decimal System

What a brilliant way to promote adoptable animals and get more people to read books - it's a cat library! Now all they need is a Starbucks...

Our First Cat-Only Contest – The SmartyKat® Feather Whirl

To prove that we love cats just as much as dogs, we’re giving felines their own contest. From now until December 9, your kitty can win a SmartyKat®…

UK Parliament Seeks Pussies to Help Get Rid of Rodents

When the cat's away, the mice shall play. Seems true in the UK, where members of parliament are begging for cats to take care of a mouse infestation.

Can’t Adopt Due to Sensitivity to Cat Allergens? No More Excuses.

There are so many people that adore cats but can’t adopt one because of their sensitivities to cat allergens.

Works of Art You Want Your Cat to Shred

When a traditional scratching post doesn't cut it, you need to shred it up a notch. For your fancy-pants kitty, only a Copycat Art Scratcher will do!

What Makes a Great Cat Tree?

No household is complete without a cat tree. This isn't just a toy - a great cat tree offers you cat a place to perch, a place to hide, and a place to play!

Meowijuana Takes Catnip Connoisseurs to a New High

We know cats occasionally like to partake in a little catnip. We love the take that a new company, called Meowijuana, puts on their mellow catnip products.

Girl’s Interview About Her Cat’s Butt Goes Viral

Cats can be such divas. A little girl's interview with her cat has left us in stitches, and created a celebri-kitty in the process!

Australia’s Feral Cats Are The Cause Of Mass Mammal Extinction

The land down under has a serious feral cat problem that’s endangering native species of mammals. Is there any way to control the problem without killi…

Best Cat Dewormers

Does your cat have worms or parasites? Gross! Get rid of them with one of our picks for best cat dewormers.�

Help Fill Shelter Litter Boxes By Voting For A Celebrity Cat!

One Day Left! Vote for your favorite Celebrity Cat and help donate 50,000 pounds of litter to shelter cats in need. When nature calls it doesn’t matter…

Is There Such a Thing as Therapy Cats?

It's hard to believe, but it's true. There are therapy cats, but not all felines are up for the job. Does your cat have what it takes?

Top 10 Long Haired Cat Breeds

These cats never have a bad hair day! Boasting downy soft and luxuriant locks, these long haired cat breeds are bushy balls of kitty goodness.

Portland’s Parking Kitty App Brings All the Coolest Cats to the Lot

Drivers in Portland, Oregon have the help of a new app, Parking Kitty, and Moshow the Cat Rapper has given his Meow of Approval, yo.

How To Relax A Stressed Cat

Cats can get stressed out - ensure that your laid-back kitty keeps purring. Here are the signs to watch for and what you can do about it.

What You Don’t Know About Ringworm in Cats

Ringworm can pass from animals to humans, and make both extremely ill. Take the necessary precautions to ensure it stays away from your cat.

The Most Common Litter Box Mistakes You’re Making

A big bonus of having a cat has to be the ease kitty litter. But if your cat refuses to use it, it may be because you're making these mistakes.

Pawsitively Purrrfect Presents for Cat Moms

There are a multitude of fashionable ways to let everyone know you're a crazy cat mom. Here's our list of must-have gifts to let your inner kitty run free.

Study: Your Cat Thinks You’re Pretty Special!

Although they exhibit an aloof demeanor, new research says that cats are playing it cool. It turns out that your feline really does like people!

Why the Litter-Robot III Is the Last Litter Box You’ll Need

It's time to introduce your cat to the next generation of kitty litter - meet the Litter-Robot III! It's a robotic cat litter box that cleans itself.

How To Read A Cat Food Label

If cat food labels look all Greek to you, we’ll translate what it all means Any good holistic veterinarian or pet nutritionist will tell you that your…

Our Guide to the Best Interactive Cat Toys   

Looking for ways to keep your cat engaged? There are toys that'll keep your kitty busy for hours on end. Check out our guide to the best interactive cat toys.�

Our Picks for the Best Organic Cat Foods

Your kitty sticks her nose up at her bowl - what's a pet parent to do? If you're looking for quality, we've picked the best organic cat foods.�

TNR: What is It And How Does It Help Feral Cats?

What can we do to help the lives of stray cats? Trap, neuter, release (TNR): A program designed to reduce the number of feral cats living on the streets.

Research Suggests Cats May Have Dominant Paw Based on Gender

New research suggests that not only do cats have a preference for their best paw forward, it's different depending on whether the cat is male or female.

Is Your Cat Losing Teeth? Here’s Why

Should you be alarmed if you cat is losing teeth? Let's talk about why this happens and what you should do.

5 Tips On Proper Nutrition For Your Pregnant Cat

If you've got a pregnant cat, you need to give her the nutrition she needs to stay strong throughout her pregnancy and give birth to healthy kittens.

Tips for Preparing Your Cat for a New Baby

Congrats on your new human addition! Start things off on the right paw with these tips on introducing your cat to a new baby.

Couple Offers $100,000 For Return of Record-Breaking Cats

A house fire left a Farmington, Michigan couple with only the clothes on their backs, and their Guinness World Record cats missing.